Zijn hart was nog in Engeland en danste daar met zijn lief.
Zij liepen samen hand in hand en boven hun hoofden dreef de schoone zon van Engeland,
die aan den hemel schreef, dat liefde en licht zeer zijn verwant.
Zijn wereld hing nog niet scheef.
Toen op dien verren Septemberdag is hij tusschen Ede en Arnhem geland.
Om zijn lippen danste de glimlach nog, nog hield hij haar kleine hand.
Ik zag hem terug. Zijn dood gezicht, besmeurd met bloed en met zand.
Zijn strijd was gestreden voor 't blinkende licht, voor God en voor Engeland.
- Vergeten is ballingschap, gedenken verlossing - Oosterbeek herdenkt zijn doden 1940-1945
In deze 3e editie van 'Vergeten is ballingschap, gedenken verlossing - Oosterbeek herdenkt zijn doden' zijn de in, of als gevolg van, de Tweede Wereldoorlog omgekomen inwoners van het Gelderse dorp Oosterbeek opgenomen. Met de in…
€ 75,00 - De weg naar Arnhem
De Tweede Wereldoorlog, van de gevechtshandelingen in Normandië tot en met de val van Berlijn, Donald R. Burgett maakte het allemaal persoonlijk mee. Op een oprechte en sobere manier vertelt hij in zijn oorlogsmemoires van zijn…
€ 7,00 - De Arnhemse winter van 1944 - Morgen zijn ze hier ....!
Als 20-jarige maakte Bert Kerkhoffs de 2de wereldbrand en speciaal de Slag om Arnhem heel bewust en van zéér nabij mee. Door verraad verloor hij zijn 'Ausweis' als priesterstudent: kwam als 'boodschappenjongen' in dienst van…
€ 6,00 - Arnhem September 1944 (herdruk 1982)
Arnhem, September 1944. Nine days of embittered fighting to establish a bridgehead over the river Rhine, part of the audacious Allied airborne operation Market Garden. Twenty-five years afterwards practically all traces of…
€ 4,00 - Arnhem - The Battle for the Bridges, 1944
On 17 September 1944, General Kurt Student, the founder of Nazi Germany's parachute forces, heard the growing roar of aeroplane engines. He went out on to his balcony above the flat landscape of southern Holland to watch the air…
€ 6,00 - Return of the Liberators 1945-2015
On 2nd May 2015, 90 London Taxis collected 120 World War Two veterans, their families, carers and helpers. They rendesvoused at the port of Harwich in Essex to board the over night Stena Ferry to the Hook van Holland. The tour was…
€ 20,00 - Remember Arnhem - The Story of the 1st Airborne Reconnaisssance Squadron at Arnhem (gesigneerd)
The Reconnaissance Corps was a special wartime force, formed in 1941 and disbanded five years later. During the savage struggle at Arnhem, the 1st Airborne Reconnaissance Squadron played a unique part, with its patrols probing…
€ 60,00 - Arnhem - Britain's Infamous Airborne Assault of WWII
A first-hand account by the Major-General who lead the British assault, this is the story of one of the most bloody battles of WWII, a daring operation that should have proven successful, had it not tried to go a bridge too far.
€ 18,00 - A Drop Too Many
Hailed as a classic on its publication in 1980, the demand for General Frost's memoirs has been considerable. No one who has read of Arnhem can have failed to have been inspired by the gallantry of the 2nd Parachute Regiment,…
€ 40,00 - Capture at Arnhem - A Diary of Disaster & Survival
Captain Harry Roberts of the REME (Royal Engineering and Mechanical Corps) was landed by glider at the fateful Battle of Arnhem in September 1944, Moments after he had jumped out of the glider he was shot at by German fire and…
€ 15,00 - A Bridge too far - The Classic History of the Greatest Battle of World War II
Now in a new edition for the 50th anniversary of VE Day. A Bridge Too Far tells the classic story of the battle of Arnhem, one of the most dramatic battles of World War II, which cost the Allies nearly twice as many casualties as…
€ 12,00 - The Road to Arnhem - A Screaming Eagle in Holland
Following their epic combat in Normandy (the paratroopers were finally pulled out of the line on June 30, 1944, after being in virtually constant combat since their night drop in the early morning of June 6) the Screaming Eagles…
€ 8,00 - Arnhem - A case Study
Maurice Tugwell is a career paratroop officer who has made a name for himself as an author on military subjects. He was born in the Isle of Wight in June 1925, the son of an Indian Army officer, He was educated at Bedford School…
€ 8,00 - Men at Arnhem - A true account of a Parachute Battalion's annihilation seen through the eyes of one of its forty-six survivors
Many books have been written about the Battle of Arnhem and much ink has been spilled in arguing the pros and cons of the disaster. Tom Angus sets out to apportion no blame, nor does he seek to analyse the reasons for the failure…
€ 24,00
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